Finder Relay Interface Module 2 changeovers 24 V/DC IP20
Finder Relay Interface Module 2 changeovers 24 V/DC IP20 - the product details below will help you select and purchase the item you want at Conrad online:
This module includes a relay, relay socket, bracket and LED module with snubber diode.
Included in delivery
Relay socket
LED-Module with integrated Freerunning Diode.
Technical data
Switching load: Min 500 mW
Operating range UN = Nominal voltage V/DC (50 Hz) (8 to 1.1) UN, V/AC (0.73 to 1.5) UN
Specification Neutral monostabile
Pick-up time < 10 ms
Nominal voltage 24 V/DC
Nominal current 8 A
Test voltage (Contact / Winding) 6000 V
Switching capacity (AC1) 1250 VA
Switching voltage 250 Vac
Switching current (DC1) Max 8 A
Protection type IP20
Contact material AgNi
Contact type 2 changeovers
RCoil 900 Ω
Max. switching voltage 250 Vac
Temperature range -40 - +70 °C
Nominal power 1.2 VA / 650 mW
Decay time< 15 ms
Durability (AC/DC) 10 x 106/20 x 106 Switching cycles